Facts About Soy

The candles here at the Cozy Candle Shoppe, LLC are made from 100% Organic Soy Wax. It is all-natural, made right here in the USA, cruelty free, and vegan friendly. 

Here are some facts about soy wax and some benefits:

  • Unlike most waxes, soy wax has a greyish or a whiteish soot when it burns. 
  • Soy wax has a lower melting point, 115 degrees to 121 degrees, which means your soy wax candle needs a LOWER temperature to burn. LOWER TEMPERATURE=SAFER CANDLE
  • Soy wax burns slower; therefore, your candle will yield a longer burn time. If you burn your soy Cozy Candle in 3-hour increments, you can get 48-72 hours on our 8-ounce candles and 72-100 hours on our 16-ounce candles. ALWAYS WATCH YOUR CANDLES AND NEVER LEAVE THEM UNATTENDED FOR SAFETY CONCERNS!
  • Soy wax is all natural. It will appear "bumpy" or have an "ugly top" over time when it is burned. THIS IS NORMAL. This is just a characteristic of soy wax candles. 

Educating our customers on our candles and the wax we use is very important. We want to be open and honest with y'all. We want you to know what you are buying and what to look for in an all-natural candle. Candles are our passion, and we love to share that passion! 

Thank y'all.